The next All Ireland Rosary Rally will be on 7th June 2025

Mark your calenders, The All-Ireland Rosary Rally will take place on Saturday 7th June 2025 at Knock Eucharistic and Marian Shrine, County Mayo. Ireland. Information on speakers and times TBC.


Bishop Phonsie Cullinan & Mother Adela Galindo

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Bishop Oliver Dome

"The All Ireland Rosary Rally as l witnessed at our Lady of Knock Shrine last year, is like a powerful wind blowing across Ireland. For sure, this Rosary Rally will resurrect the spirit of devotion to Our Lady among many lrish people. And our Lady will in turn bring many of them back to her Son Jesus Christ."


Knock, Ireland’s National Marian Shrine

Mary bestowed her particular favor on the Irish by appearing in the country in person. In August 1879, in the small Irish village of Knock in Mayo, the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist appeared to 15 villagers at the gable wall of the parish church. For an Irish people suffering despair through famine, poverty and emigration, this was a much-needed sign of hope, promising mercy, the Blessed Sacrament and the powerful intercession of the saints. Knock has since attracted millions of visitors from around the world, many seeking some relief and healing, including Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Francis and St. Teresa of Calcutta. 

In 2019, the Church in Ireland acknowledged the healing at Knock 30 years ago of Marion Carroll who was gravely ill. During Mass on pilgrimage three decades ago, praying to Our Lady, she felt a “beautiful, magnificent feeling telling me that if the stretcher was opened, I could get up and walk.” She did get up and walked. 

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Father Peyton, Irish Rosary Priest

It was from Ireland, too, that one of the most famous proponents of the Rosary had come. Father Patrick Peyton built a vast media presence in the U.S. during the 1940s. He was born in 1909 in Ireland to a devout Catholic family in County Mayo, where the Rosary was part of their daily prayers and laid a strong foundation for his faith.

Father Peyton devoted his life to spreading the devotion to Mary and encouraging family prayer, especially the Rosary. He used radio, television and film, and 540 Rosary Rallies worldwide to accomplish his mission. Today, Father Peyton’s simple, devout messages that “The family that prays together stays together” and “A world at prayer is a world at peace” are known worldwide.


The All Ireland Rosary Rally in Knock is a wonderful expression of people's faith. It is encouraging to see it grow year on year as more people are turning to Our Lady of Knock's powerful intercession with so much turmoil in society and in the world at large.

Father Marius O'Reilly

The All Ireland Rosary Rally as l witnessed at our Lady of Knock Shrine last year, is like a powerful wind blowing across Ireland. For sure, this Rosary Rally will resurrect the spirit of devotion to Our Lady among many lrish people. And our Lady will in turn bring many of them back to her Son Jesus Christ.

Bishop Oliver Doeme

I attended the Rosary Rally last year and it was an honour to be there with Our Blessed Mother. How absolutely heart lifting it was to see bus loads of people arriving and filling the basilica and praying. Our Holy Catholic faith in Ireland is as strong as ever.

Helena Killoughery

The Knock Rosary Rally 2023 was like a divine appointment where all Our Lady’s followers gathered, in my 40 or so years going to Knock there was never such grace.

Séamus Enright